Yesterday Husband and I had a lunch reservation at Dirty Bones Shoreditch. I've been seeing a lot of photos of this restaurant on Instagram and I was really excited.
LOVE this place! Who know that chicken, waffles and maple syrup worked so well together?!? And the lavender martini was also amazing! I think I'm in love hahahaha!!
This morning I had two mini sessions, then I took the tube to Wanstead and The Currant cafe before meeting up with the family for a few hours at the park.
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I went to Ikea last Friday and I have finally found an Ikea buddy that likes going there as much as I do! It might have something to do with the bags of cinnamon buns, large and small, you can buy there.
We both had a lovely time and can't wait to go again. The Edmonton/Tottenham Ikea is only 15 minutes from our house.
Here is my annual wish list for Christmas 😍😍
It's been just the Diva and I today.
She has her Swedish school every Saturday, but after it had finished we took the bus to Covent Garden and had a Swedish day with a sprinkling of Lego ;-)
We had a lovely mother and daughter day in London, but now it's bedtime! We are both very tired.
Yesterday after school we hopped on the tube to Hyde Park and Winter Wonderland.
It was Husband, The Diva, Shirin and I and even though it was cold we all had a good time.
The Diva and I are having fika in our livingroom.
Informative I know! 😁