I did a Snabb

So you know how I thought, was 100% certain, our flight was tonight? Turns out it was actually yesterday!!!! Called British Airways to see if they could help me but if you don't show up you are a no-show and your return ticket is cancelled. I called Husband in tears, couldn't talk to him at all so my dear brother had to step in. We had to in the end pay almost £500 for A and I to get home, tonight, like planned!
And the every more stupid thing is, this isn't the first time I've done something lime this. When my mum, Shirin and I went to Paris in 2011 we were supposed to go just for the day, but it turned out that I had booked our return ticket a month later! The staff at Eurostar were just as helpful and kind as British Airways were today.
Oh well, Husband says laughing, you'll never learn so we might as well get used to it! 
I say I bloody well hope not!
In a taxi, A is fast asleep, almost at home, 14 minutes away. Surely nothing can go wrong right?

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