My contractions had started at 5.55am and we were by this point in the diningroom having breakfast. My mum was in tears and I was getting more and more pissed off at her as I had enough with taking care of myself and my pain. By noon I threw her out of the house and into Shirin's capable hands :-)
At 1pm we went to the hospital the first time only to be told I wasnt dilated enough and we were sent home. $pm came and we went back and I was 4 centimeters dilated and officially in labour. I got my epidural at 8pm and at 11.36 baby Astrid was born.
Happy first birthday babygirl!!!! Mamma and tata loves you loads and loads :-)
Before epidural, using the gas and air which was useless!!

And the she finally was :-) I'm not gonna lie and say that everything was wonderful, it took a while for me to fall head over heels in love with Astrid but I always felt protective and I loved her from the beginning, but she was the cause of my pain and I "blamed" her for it :-P

That is one year ago, my little Halloween baby :-) Husband has taken today off from work and we are having a family day together :-)