mixed pictures

this is from Sarajevo, my first time there in 2001 and husband's first time since leaving in 1992.

in New York, where he proposed. We are on the ferry to Statue of Liberty, in 2002

Our wedding in 2003 in East Sussex

honeymoon in Hawaii in 2003

At Ingrid's Christening, husbands niece and my god daughter in 2004

my sister in law and Ingrid and me :-)

at baby Mika's Christening in 2003

at husband's best friends birthday party in 2005
ok, one more and no more till some other time...

Me and baby Jasmine in 2006, My best friend Karen's daughter and my future god daughter. Going to her christening in June this year, am very excited as I'll be god mother to Jasmine and her baby brother Jayden.
time to go to bed