went out with Shirin to my stepbrothers birthday drinks. Went with the intention not to drink too much and take the last tube home at 00.11. Going out thinking like taht is never good as it never stays the way you planned. Got to The Edge on Soho Square at around 8pm and was given a glass of Prosecco and then i was off on a prosecco binge drinking evening :-) me and vesa is a naughty combination!!!
this is at the beginning of the evening, nice and sober.
this is a few hours and a few bottles later :-)
had an amazing time and got home with the help of the night bus and a short cab ride at 3 am.
woke up feeling rubbish and everything spinning but now i feel better, I have even cleaned the house hahaha!!!
have missed going out with the boys and it was nice getting to know Vesa's best friend Laura a bit better as well :-) my dress is DVF, belt Primark, charm bracelet Juicy Couture and shoes New Look. Shirin's dress is Whyred and shoes New Look
now today is not at all as rock n roll as last night with husband watching Arsenal-Man united on tv.
thats all for now folks