
this is at the beginning of the evening, nice and sober.

this is a few hours and a few bottles later :-)
had an amazing time and got home with the help of the night bus and a short cab ride at 3 am.
woke up feeling rubbish and everything spinning but now i feel better, I have even cleaned the house hahaha!!!
have missed going out with the boys and it was nice getting to know Vesa's best friend Laura a bit better as well :-) my dress is DVF, belt Primark, charm bracelet Juicy Couture and shoes New Look. Shirin's dress is Whyred and shoes New Look

now today is not at all as rock n roll as last night with husband watching Arsenal-Man united on tv.
thats all for now folks
Här hittade man den :P
om du vill ha hjälp med designen så kan jag hjälpa till lite lite :P av det lilla ja kan haha I like I like!:D