Latest purchase...
I know I have been a very very bad bad blogger lately but to be honest, I have had nothing to write about! Today I had to get up around 6.30 this morning. I had to get ready to go to work but since there was a tube strike, the second this month, I had to leave extra early to make sure I was at work on time. I left my house when it was still dark outside at 6.50 and was at Starbucks outside my job at 8.30! Had to take a bus, the commuter train, the tube (the one line that was running a special service) and then walk from Green Park, via Starbucks. Yes I had two Starbucks before work!! Don't judge me, I was cold, tired and piss off and need some liquid love and if it wasn't for the fact that it was before 9am, I would have bought something a lot stronger! Anyway, I went to Marc by Marc Jacobs on Saturday to do some Christmas shopping and I also managed to sneak in a early present for myself. This cute and very blue clutch bag

Which I will bring to Istanbul and make it clash with my outfits :-) Will also bring my Holly Fulton for Atelier Swarovski ring and the Alexander McQueen scarf I'm buying on Wednesday, as well as my Chanel of course :-) I know, far to many name droppings in this post, but I already told, I have nothing to write about! I'll stop before I make a complete ass of myself. I just want to wish my friend Lisa happy birthday for a third time, already sent her a message on Facebook and via text, but you can never wish someone a happy birthday too many times.
Take care for now...
ååh, hur länge stannar du i stockholm i januari?
Jag är nämligen i Thailand mellan den 20 jan och 3 feb.
However you managed to reach the office and get those you want. It has always been better to leave a bit early than the time.
Miss shopaholic ;)
Glad your back bloging again. I miss reading your updates =)