
It's not the greatest picture as I look funny. I have never worn this dress, bought it in H&M in Stockholm for £5 this summer and I will definitely wear it again. Shoes are from New Loo and belt and necklace are both from Primark.
We had a celebratory dinner at Fredericks with Husband's flight instructor Simon and his girlfriend Belinda. We had a fabulous dinner and the company was great. It was the first time I met them and I have to say it was really nice meeting some new people. I really love our friends but sometimes you just need new "blood" :-) Fredericks is a posh but cosy restaurant on Islington high street absolutely worth a second visit.

It is now bedtime as I have to get up early to go to work for a loooong day tomorrow: 10-20! Luckily I am off on Friday when I will go to the gym but first have a sleep in and then catch up on my blogging...
Be patient, I'll make it exciting again I promise!! Did anyone watch Gossip Girl tonight? Was it any good?
Hope you all have a great night sleep...
Good night
Am getting ready to go to work so I will show you the window shopping we did yesterday :-)

All Selfridge's windows

Gina, it is a little too WAG for me but I love the colour

Last picture for this post comes from Miu Miu...
Have to go to work now or I'll be late
Window shopping

Then we walked around King's road and Chelsea, Starbucks-ing and Window shopping...

After the walk down King's road we took number 137 bus from Sloane street to Oxford street and River Island and then Selfridge's and the shoe galleries. In River Island I was looking for a gold watch, I found one in the men's department but it was too cheap looking. At Selfridge's we explored the photo booth which you probably saw in the previous post but here it is again :-)

Also went to Bond street, New and Old for some properly expensive window shopping which I will show in my next post :-)
We were supposed to go out tonight but Husband isn't feeling well so we stayed home and had take away dinner instead as I have been a bad wife and done no food shopping in a while. This is what I would have worn had we gone to the gig

Jacket and shoes: New Look, skirt: H&M, tights: Boots, vest: Primark
We are now both, Husband and I, on the internet on separate laptops and separate sofas :-) me with Dodger in my lap ;-) It is soon bedtime and work for both of us tomorrow...
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin...
My old Dutch...

Selfridge's photoboot...

Ooooh, that is a little to close for my liking!!!

That's better ;-)

trying to show you the texture and colour of the jumper

Don't know if you can see that it is very light pink and very soft?

Jacket: H&M bought seven years ago, jumper and shoes: Primark current stock, shorts: Dorothy Perkins, pearl necklace: Topshop, jewellery: Links of London, nails: O.P.I You don't know Jacques!
What are your plans for today? Working? I start work again tomorrow, by again I mean I start in a different store so it will feel like starting all over again and I think I am working the weekend, maybe not the entire weekend... Also tonight is the Central London gig of Polaris Condition, they are playing at The Comedy, Oxenden street, Soho and are on stage at 9pm. We are going, maybe I'll see you there?
Hope you have a fun day no matter what you are doing...
Good afternoon...

I hope it is a working photo booth :-)

That's taken on the escalator going down to the ground floor, Prada, Prada, Prada :-) I bought three nail varnishes today, two from O.P.I and one from Models own

You don't know Jacques

DS The Classic

Grey days
Keris gave me a belated birthday present today

and bought me a latte at Starbucks, such a sweetie :-)
Going to bed now, am taking Shirin to My Olde Dutch for lunch tomorrow. I'm sure there will be a few pictures taken and if so, I promise I will show them to you :-) Have a good night and see you in the morning
The shoe galleries...

dinner is ready!!!

gym has been gymmed, ...

Kylie, Dolce&Gabbana,...

Dress: Topshop bought last week, the rest is all New Look, jewellery: Links of London
Today is the start of the new healthy eating me, I still want to loose 5-7 kilos and have been too lazy/busy this summer to do anything about it so now I'm going to try to be dead serious about it, wish me luck ;-)
See you later :-)
Good morning...
This is what the nail varnish looks like

Going to go to bed now and sleep.
New manicure...

where am I?

Jumper: Primark, shorts:Topshop, boots: New Look, lips; Ruby Woo by MAC
This was at 7.45 this morning, getting ready for breakfast and going to the airport. We stayed in the central of Gothenburg at Radisson blu hotel. It was very nice. We had a fabulous weekend and we are both very happy we went even though it was a bit intense and we had to rely on the kindness of our friends and family as Husband twisted his ankle on Friday and couldn't drive. Mico drove us to Stansted, Marie's (my sister in law) brother and wife picked us up at the airport in Gothenburg and Tommy a family/childhood friend and Olivia's godfather drove us to Gothenburg and the hotel in the evening adding an extra 2 1/2 hours to his journey going home to Stockholm.

Marie doing a great job holding the ceremony

Marie's dad planting the miniature lilac tree to represent Olivia and hopefully grow up with her :-)

toast time and group photo time

gorgeous, delicious and home made cupcakes, the icing was fantastic!!!

me and my mamma :-)

Dress:Topshop and the clogs are from Topshop as well, it's the ones I bought on Friday...
When waiting for the plane to board at Stansted I went make up shopping in MAC

I have to say that even though it was long and hard work but it is definitely worth all the hassle to see Olivia and to meet my family and to meet Marie's family for the first time, they are all really so nice :-)
How has your weekend been? Did you do anything exciting? Any shopping?
See you later :-D