My old Dutch...

Then we walked around King's road and Chelsea, Starbucks-ing and Window shopping...

After the walk down King's road we took number 137 bus from Sloane street to Oxford street and River Island and then Selfridge's and the shoe galleries. In River Island I was looking for a gold watch, I found one in the men's department but it was too cheap looking. At Selfridge's we explored the photo booth which you probably saw in the previous post but here it is again :-)

Also went to Bond street, New and Old for some properly expensive window shopping which I will show in my next post :-)
We were supposed to go out tonight but Husband isn't feeling well so we stayed home and had take away dinner instead as I have been a bad wife and done no food shopping in a while. This is what I would have worn had we gone to the gig

Jacket and shoes: New Look, skirt: H&M, tights: Boots, vest: Primark
We are now both, Husband and I, on the internet on separate laptops and separate sofas :-) me with Dodger in my lap ;-) It is soon bedtime and work for both of us tomorrow...
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin...