Organised Chaos
Also known as my walk-in wardrobe :-) The first two pictures are the "before" pictures. I have a really ugly wardrobe inside the room which you can see below

I have removed some of the doors from the wardrobe (one is still stuck, I need Husbands strong arms) but in my opinion it looks better already. All my clothes used to hang on hangers on two 180 cm long clothes rails and that wasn't enough. I have now folded all the trousers, t-shirts and jumpers and hung all the vintage dresses in the wardrobe and put all the boxed shoes inside the same wardrobe, which gives me more space on both rails and more space on the floor for the shoes without boxes.

My three Marc by Marc Jacobs clutch bags.

High street clutch bags, some are really old

Most of my costume jewellery rings. The more expensive and precious are in the boxes they come in when bought.

Costume jewellery brooches and necklaces

More necklaces and belts

Nailvarnishes and make up

Still abit chaotic, but I know where things are which is the most important thing. Husband is afraid to look for things in there, thinking he will never find his way out :-D All I need now is a dressing table, a cute ceiling lamp and some chic curtains and it will be the boudoir I want it to be :-)
What do you think? How would you decorate the room?