Will we ever get bored of nail varnish?
No, no, no!! Is the answer :-) I got two out of three Chanel colours today at John Lewis. They and everyone else has sold out of the Peridot one. Might see if they have it in Devon, though I doubt it very much :-s

I once got this eye make up remover as a sample and as it is getting more and more difficult to bend down to wash my make up off. I thought why don't I get a fullsize version of it. I have tried cheaper brands, like L'Oreal and Nivea, but they irritate my eyes.

I went on Models own website last night, windowshopping, and saw these fabulous autumn colours and as they are only £5 each (from Boots, need to collect my loyalty points) I bought three today when I was on Oxford Street.

When I am back from Devon I will try them all and upload the pictures. Right now, I am going to rest on the sofa. I have baked for Wednesday next week when the girls are coming over to our house, my turn to play hostess. Had to alter the recepies a bit and replace anything cow with goat-or soy as Nicky is very badly allergic to cow-dairy. But it looks and smells the same, Husband will decide if it tastes the same :-)
Hey you,
Förlåt för att jag inte hört av mig tidigare men solkrämerna har kommit fram nu och dom är redan nerpackade inför min resa till Venedig nästa vecka.
TUSEN tack för att du skickade över dem till mig.
Jag har inhandlat lite godis till dig men har inte haft tid att skicka det ännu. Jag ska skicka det till dig på Tisdag då jag är ledig från jobbet.
Hoppas allt är bra med dig och bebben. ;)
x x