Stockholm updated part deux
How are we today? I have spent my day with my mum and my evening with my girls :-) So I am feeling good. I do really miss my Husband though so it feels good to go home tomorrow... This is what I did today

Coffee and cake at Le Cafe in StureGallerian

Sightseeing and looking for shops like Swarovski and Marc by Marc Jacobs :-) found them both

I bought something but won't show you until I get back home to London!

Hanging with Margareta, she is usually really warm in the winter but no love for me today :-(

ACNE window

My favourite cafe in Stockholm

Dinner at Fashion Cafe in Sundbyberg, very nice food and wine, might be our hang out place from now on :-)

Going to bed now, will show you more pictures at some other time...
Good night
Härliga bilder snygging! :)
Ha en trevlig helg!<3