anneliepop - Beauty and Christmas

Beauty and Christmas

Harrods new beauty department look like this, all glossy, sleek and shiny
And this is Selfridge's new Christmas shop which opened this week
I wasn't impressed at first but then I saw this cute little bauble which I might have to get :-) it's £9.95
have been to the local private hospital where we had a 3D scan of the baby who was smiling or having gas throughout the scan, very cute. Then we went to dinner at a pub in Wanstead called The Cuckfield
We had good food but ended up next to the loudest table ever. Next time we will go on a non-Friday :-)
I did some shopping today as well but will show you tomorrow


1 Sophie:


Å va kul att ni har tjuvkikat på bebisen!:) Vilken vecka är du i nu?

Kram Sophie



- nice!

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