Friday's shopping
Whilst Husband was sorting out of drive, planting new mini trees, I went to Knightsbridge to have a Starbucks lunch with my stepbrother. After the tour of the new beauty department, I went to H&M for some retail therapy and actually tried things on! I usually just buy the items I like and try them on at home and they almost always fit me ;-) But now that I am slightly bigger ;-) I need to try things on. I haven't bought much maternity wear, as they are still so ugly, I just buy items in bigger sizes and make it work. Whoever thoght that fashion-concious women would stop caring when they got pregnant, is losing out bigtime! I believe there is big money to be made, but what do I know? ;-)
Anyway, this is what I bought:
Hot pink blouse with a exposed zip at the back

Plain white shirt with lace on the shoulders and in the neck

A thinly knitted jumoer perfect for early autumn

I also took the 137 bus from Sloane street to Oxford street adn popped into Marks&Spencers for this slip I saw on their website months ago. Will look perfect under that cobalt blue dress I almost wore the other day but had nothing to wear underneath it

And the new L'oreal eyeshadow that is suposed to be waterproof. Still need to try it, just need an event for it :-)

Tomorrow I am going shopping again, this time with my 6-year old niece. I am picking her up at 10.30 and then we are going to the BIG Primark on Oxford Street and then to Claire's accessories and then I think I'll take her to Pizza Express for lunch, sounds like a good, girlie date right? I need some plian black and white t-shirts so I think I'll go the men's department in Primark. Shirin went to the ladies last week and looked for round neck t-shirts for me, but they were sold out.
Hope you have a great Sunday :-D