Bare faced and in Vintage
Tuesday is the day that the cleaner comes for four hours and takes care of the entire house. So all I have to do is be here and do nothing, which at times can be very boring. As I got ready to leave the house, after the cleaner had left, I realised that I couldn't be bothered to put my face on just to go to the cornershop in Wanstead so here I am bare face and "naked". Just wearing beautybalm by Clarins on my face and Elizabeth Arden's 8 hour cream on my lips.

The dress is Vintage, the blazer and belt are both from Primark and the ballerinas are from Office. I stopped by Starbucks on the way home and had a latte and read Look magazine. Feeling very fashion inspired today, watched half of Devil wears Prada and when I came home Grazia was waiting for me :-)
Saw this cute rainbow on the walk home from the tube...

Tomorrow is a more exciting day as I am seeing the girls in the morning and then in the afternoon Shirin is bringing my mum, who is flying in from Stockholm to be with us for 12 days. I have 2 days until my due date, am seeing the midwife on Thursday and hoping things will get started this weekend (but baby might have other plans).
My mum is apparently buying me a belated birthday present and I am hoping she'll agree to buy either of these heels from River Island

I love them both equally for different reasons. I think the studded ones are a cool high street version of the studded Valentino heels

I borrowed this picture from

and the black ones are a interesting pair of classic heels that will go with eveything
I know some of you must be thinking that I am mad to want more shoes, but I love heels and I have realised that I have started to collect them and I am quiet proud of my shoe collection and I can't stop now that I have reached the 130-ish mark. I just love the way heels make me feel. I know I have to cut down once the baby is born but at least I can wear them and be me on weekends when Husband is off work :-P
Jag röstar för klassiska pumpsen!! Skit snygga och har försökt få tag i de länge! Du är inte galen alls! Håller helt med och ett par klackar får en att känna sig så kvinnlig och jag älskar det! Inte ska du behöva ge upp det för att du får barn, tvärtom kommer du bli ännu kvinnligare och en fashionable mamma!! KRAM