Laduree in Stockholm
Good news for all macaron lovers in Stockholm. Laduree opens a cafe in Stockholm on the 11th of May according to Damernas varld
These next two pictures are from when I was in Paris with my mum and Shirin last year

and these are from when I went to LAduree in Covent Garden, which is the closest to us (doesn't mean that we live close to it)

I love Laduree and am feeling a bit sad that I won't get ot go to the new one in Stockholm. I fly to Stockholm a week too early :-( So when you do go tell me what you think. I might have to convince someone to go with to the Covent Garden branch when I am back ;-)
This post was inspired by this blogg Tre tjejer i koket...
Looking good as usual ;)
Hoppas att allt är bra med dig och att allt går bra med nya familjen och bebisen.
Jag har precis kommit hem från Afrika efter att jag blev sjuk och fick åka hem en vecka tidigare.
Nu har jag precis sökt till en 5 månaders kurs i tropical nursing på "London school of hygiene & tropical medicine".
x x