The love of my life

On the same level as my Husband but it is a different kind of love. I love my daughter and my husband the same, exactly the same, but totally differently. I feel very protective towards my babygirl and would do anything for her to be safe, happy and satisfied. That's why I don't mind when she changes her eating pattern and makes me get up early in the morning ;-) as long as she is content. Astrid is also getting more and more fun. Yesterday evening, as we were hanging in the livingroom, I started tickling her and she was laughing out loud and when she heard and saw me laugh she laughed even more. She isn't into toys or music or anything childlike. She starts to cry when she hears highpitched music and look at toys like they are aliens. What she does like is to be spoken to and to be given attention. Tickling and flying is the best. There, I did it, I declared my love for my daughter or as close to it as I will ever get to declaring my love ;-) Might be boring for some of you, but since this is a lifestyle blog (not a fashion blog) I like to write about my life and she is a huge part of it now and for a long time to come :-)
Det e kärlek det!:)