Blazer: H&M
T-shirt: Primark
Skirt: Primark
Tights: H&M
Necklace: Forever 21
Wedges: Next
Watch: Michael Kors
Hearts&Faux leather

Ring: Topshop
Cardigan: H&M
Rollneck: H&M
Dress: ASOS
Tights: Primark
Nails: Dior Garden Party
Fuchsia & Black

Shirt: Nino's
Trousers: Primark
Tie: Links of London
Brooch: Vintage
Heels: New Look
Handbag: Chanel
Return of the Chanel ...

When we have had enough, I'd go to the park or the forrest for a long walk in the sun (it's my perfect day and a perfect day always has sunshine) which would make us hungry again, we would find a pub, have a roast and some wine, go home to have a nap and then amke a fabulous dinner at home.
My perfect day before baby: Still a sleep in until 10 and still breakfast in a cafe and the people-watching.

I would swap the forrest walk for shopping and the home made dinner for cocktails in a bar somewhere in the west end.

Both days would only be perfect, and equally perfect, as long as I spend it with my Husband and my baby girl and in a pair of gorgeous heels (would have walking shoes in my car/bag) ;-)

My perfect day
Yesterday Husband gave me £60 ad so I went to Westfields today and Primark to look at a few things I've been wanting for a while. For £52.50, you can buy two dresses, a blazer and a t-shirt.

I also bought American Elle with Katherine Heigl on the cover adn a lipstick and a nailvarnish from Dior in Boots. Got the lipstick with my Boots points so it was free really :-P

What can you buy for ...

Astrid and I had brunch at Tinderbox in Stratford today. Husband and I used to go to the one in Angel, but that is too far for me now, so I am very happy that there is a newly opened one in the Westfields shopping centre. I had a tuna panini and a large coffee. The panini was not that great, but the coffee was (I should have ordered a small one though). I am looking to cut down on my Starbucks visit and go to smaller either independent cafes or smaller chains and Tinderbox is somewhere I will return to :-)

Blazer: Next
T-shirt: River Island
Jeans: Topshop
Charm bracelet: Juicy Couture (gift from my stepbrother)
Today's outfit

I was tall for my age, had blonde hair and blue eyes (still have blue eyes) Always wanted to be next to my mum and her friends and listen to their gossip and girl talk. I have always had a few close friends, never tonnes of people around me. When I look at this picture Astrid looks just like me, but with darker hair. At other times she looks just like her dad :-)
When Iwas 7 years old, I fell down a large slide at the school playground and had a very bad concussion, was unconscious for 24 hours and I don't remember much before the age of 7 or around it. There are loads of pictures at both my mum and at my dads house of me and my brother and I always like looking at them :-) The one above is of me and my paternal grandparents, I think I might be between 1-2 years old :-)
What I was like when ...
Today has been all about family :-) We had brunch at Jamie's Italian in Stratford and then went for a two hour walk in Epping Forest. It was a perfect day :-)

Family day

Blazer: H&M
Top: H&M
Necklace: River Island
Trousers: Primark
Watch: Michael Kors
Wedges: Next
Ring: Swarovski
Today's outfit

It is a fantastic book, I have it on my Kindle and will read it over and over again!!
My favourite book

Necklace: Forever 21
Blouse: New Look
Dress: Primark
Belt: Primark
Polkadots and Bling

This is the friday before Halloween, the day I gave birth. The reason I chose this picture: I never realised how big I was until I saw this picture ;-) I never felt big, I was uncomfortable and I waddled like a penguin but never had the feeling of being huge which is probably the brains way of making you cope ;-)
A photo someone else ...


Oh well, never mind, when would I wear them anyway, huh?

Went to Beyond Retro on Cheshire Street, E2 6EJ with my sister in law. She has just started watching Mad Men and loves the fashion so she was trying to find something of that era but that is also her and I think she managed. I broke my shopping ban, was given permission by Husband and was also given his card, and I will now upload some pictures from last night.

This dress is a little bit too tights but Istill have some baby weight to lose and the colours are so pretty that I had to buy it :-) When I have had it shortened I will wear it for Astrid's christening in May

I know this is slightly see through, I will buy a slip to wear underneath. This one is from Fredricks of Hollywood, it has a small stain at the front and if it doesn't wash out I'll add a fabulous brooch Carrie Bradshaw style.

I've been looking for a collarless coat in this kind of style for a long time and they are not made anymore, at least not on the high street. It was £35 and it doesn't smell old and has no stains, the only thing I want to change are the buttons, I think it was a fabulous bargain and the colour is very bright hotpink.

After two hours of trying things on and shopping we had dinner at a Thai place on Brick Lane, can't remember the name of it but the food was amazing :-)
I definitely get more joy in finding bargains and buy ing things more often than saving my (or Husbands) money to buy one expensive thing. I thing the high end items that I do want should be left for birthdays :-)