My Saturday

Bamse theme at school 🐰

Once I got to my destination, my first stop was Rokit where I bought three shirts, one dress and a scarf.
Then off to Sugar Sin and Bageriet for some sweets and baked goods

I also stopped by Zara when I got another shirt and I was looking for some orange jeans but they didn't have my size so I decided to walk to Regents Street where they did have them 😁

I tried these fabulously pink trousers on but they didn't sit right!

On my way to Regents Street I popped into Tk Maxx and saw this amazing Marni jacket but I didn't get it as it was a bit too dear (I was on a budget after all).

After all that shopping and walking, I walked a bit further to Bond Street, got a Starbucks and got on the train home where my lovely family was waiting for me 😁
They had been busy making these cute candles!

That was my day...