Going to the dry cleaners for Husband, to Selfridge's and Waitrose for Olivia, Laduree for tonight, to Marc Jacobs for me and to Marks & Spencer for my mum and then off to Liverpool Street to pick up the kids and then wait for my brother & family to arrive so we can all go home together. Might have to sneak into work to request the 5th off as well...
This is what I look like today though

I think this is one of the cheapest outfits I own :-) Cardigan: H&M, top and trousers: Primark, ankle boots: New Look

Nellie necklace: www.imageinjewels.com, butterfly charm: Swarovski

watch, bracelets and charms: Links of London

Sweetie bracelet: Links of London, silver pearl bracelet: Tiffany&co, evil eye bracelet: bought in Istanbul at the Grand Bazaar, skull friendship bracelet: Links of London

espresso cup from Dwell :-)
Hope you all have a fabulous day
Hello Lovers :-)

I booked a table at the Wolseley for afternoon tea a few weeks ago. Having been to afternoon tea at the Ritz and the Haymarket I looked forward to the Wolseley. But I have to say that the other place were better. Better sandwiches and better cakes. Still liked the place but probably wouldn't go again...
Afternoon tea at The ...

Earrings: Swarovski, blouse: New Look, vest: Primark, leggings: Uniqlo, Ankle boots: New Look
Afternoon tea outfit:

Dress: Zara

Coat: H&M, scarf: Hermes

Brooch: Dior

Skull bracelet: Links of London, silver beads: Tiffany&co, evil eye bracelet: Bought in Istanbul

watch: Links of London

Ankle boots: D&G
Am at home now, doing laundry and watching Sex and the City 2 :-) Going to tidy later as well
Recent looks


The Wolseley


Brunch at the Wharf

Ring and earrings are from Topshop...
My brother, his girlfriend and their baby girl Olivia are coming to stay with us on Thursday for a whole week!!!!! I'll try to keep you updated but you know how well that went last week. It is bed time for me know. I am exhausted after last night when we came home at 2.30am. We went to Lana and Pedja for dinner and Articulate and then we chatted away and then I had to get up for work at 7-ish....
Have a good nights sleep
Recent purchases

Bowling on the Wii

Hoola on the Wii :-)

Charades :-)

The ass is alive!!!

Dinner time

Dancing around the tree :-)

All in all we had a fabulous Christmas with fantastic food, lots of family and friends and lovely and thoughtful presents :-) I think I will always love Christmas!!
Christmas day

Dress: Dorothy Perkins

Before dinner we watched Kalle Anka och vanner also known as Donald Duck and friends which is a very important tradition in Sweden and my dad recorded this fro me last year :-)

We had turkey for dinner with a Swedish dish called Jansson's frestelse

After dinner we had Glogg or mulled wine

Then it was time to open the presents :-)

How was your Christmas? My next post will be about Christmas day with Husband's sister and the family :-) Hope you'll have a fabulous evening
Christmas eve

Christmas at Lana and...
Tube strike

one of my presents fr...

xoxo little J
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!